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"1837-O" Seated Liberty over-strike, on 1840-1873 Silver Dollar

Item Number: mm_seat_100_1837-O_pl_os1
The cost for this item is $350 PLUS an original Seated Liberty Silver Dollar to over-strike. Suitable coins can be very worn and/or polished. Avoid coins with planchet flaws, deep scratches, gouges, or edge cuts. Holes can be punched clean to a standard size and plugged with a 900 fine silver plug prior to over-striking. Add $50 per coin for hole plugging. Include $15 per order for shipping ($25 international). Send coin(s) and check/money-order (payable) to:
Daniel Carr
P.O. Box 7486
Loveland, CO
Each order will receive back the exact same coin(s) sent (after over-striking).

Semi-proof-like high-grade finish. Over-struck on US Seated Liberty Silver Dollar (circa 1840-1873). No counter-stamp. Normal reeded edge without markings.

The Seated Liberty dollar was first produced as the rare “Gobrecht” type (without obverse stars and with a Flying Eagle reverse) in 1836, 1838, and 1839. None were produced in 1837. None of the Gobrecht type ever had any mint mark. No Seated Liberty Dollars (of any type) ever had an obverse mint mark.

NOTE: Defacing of US coins is legal so long as the defacement isn't for fraudulent purposes.
By purchasing one or more of these, the buyer agrees to provide full disclosure of their origin when reselling them.

Since these are over-struck on existing coins, there will be evidence of the original coin design showing since the over-strike is usually not perfectly aligned with the original strike.

Do not attempt to use these as legal tender. This product is NOT endorsed or approved by the US Mint, US Treasury, or US Government.

Product Reviews

(4 Ratings, 2 Reviews) Average Rating:
A fantastic Gobrecht
Steven Curtis (Columbia, MD) 10/1/2022 3:56 PM
An unobtainable Gobrecht in a uniquely high grade made possible by the unique capabilites of Daniel Carr.
Dan does it again ‼️‼️👍🎯👀‼️
Nicholas Patton (Irving, TX) 9/24/2022 5:27 PM
I’ve always loved the Gobrecht dollars the best of all the dollars that were minted……. but never thought I’d be able to own one‼️‼️‼️Dan’s tha man‼️‼️👍🎯👀‼️ He’s made possible for anyone that wants one bad enough to have one‼️‼️( and I wanted one….. still can’t believe I have one)‼️‼️👍🎯👀‼️⁉️ This piece is too kool,‼️I love the observe’s 1837 date and New Orleans mint mark‼️‼️👀🎯👍 The details and craftsmanship on the reverse are amazing….. the eagle and stars‼️‼️👍🎯👀 These were struck on real seated dollars, and in my opinion are better and rarer then the original Gobrecht dollars ‼️‼️🎯👀🎯🎯 I still can’t believe I have this piece ‼️‼️🎯👀‼️‼️‼️‼️