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1985-DC Silver Eagle Over-Strike, Weinman Eagle reverse, Satin Finish

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Item Number: mm_0100_1985dc
Cameo proof-like high-grade finish. Weinman Eagle reverse. Over-struck on US Silver Eagles coins (1 troy oz 999).

The first year of production for Silver Eagle coins was 1986. None were originally produced with a "1985" date. No US Mint Silver Eagles ever had a "DC" mint mark or a Weinman Eagle reverse.

NOTE: Defacing of US coins is legal so long as the defacement isn't for fraudulent purposes.
By purchasing one or more of these, the buyer agrees to provide full disclosure of their origin when reselling them.

Since these are over-struck on existing coins, there may be faint evidence of the original coin design showing since the over-strike is usually not perfectly aligned with the original strike.

Do not attempt to use these as legal tender. This product is NOT endorsed or approved by the US Mint, US Treasury, or US Government.

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