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"1979-P" Eisenhower (small) copper-nickel clad over-strike, High Grade

Your Price: USD $75.00
Item Number: mm_IKE_1979P_sm_cn
The US Mint produced Eisenhower Dollars from 1971 to 1978. 1979 was the first year that the Philadelphia Mint began applying a ā€œPā€ mint mark to all their coins (except the one-cent pieces). The new Susan B Anthony Dollars of 1979 also come with a small "P" mint mark. But no Eisenhower Dollars were produced after 1978. During the later years of producing the Eisenhower Dollars, the US Mint contemplated changing them to a smaller size. Ultimately, Susan B Anthony was chosen as the theme for the new small dollars of 1979. There exists a vintage photograph of an apparent small-format 10-sided 1977 Eisenhower Dollar pattern piece. The issued Susan B Anthony dollars had an 11-sided rim. 1979 was the 10th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, and this was likely the reasoning for the 11-sided rim.
All are struck on copper-nickel clad Susan B Anthiny Dollars originally minted in 1979-1980.

NOTE: Defacing of US coins is legal so long as the defacement isn't for fraudulent purposes.

By purchasing one or more of these, the buyer agrees to provide full disclosure of their origin when reselling them.

Do not attempt to use these as legal tender. This product is NOT endorsed or approved by the US Mint, US Treasury, or US Government.

Product Reviews

(8 Ratings, 1 Review) Average Rating:
What SHOULD have been!
Lee Brewer (Bellefontaine, OH) 1/24/2025 12:07 PM
Back in the 70s when the small dollars were announced, the public was not in favor of the new design mainly b/c it removed a true American hero, Ike, in favor a political agenda. Those of us who were there remember this as fact. Public rejection was only heightened by the ridiculous quarter-like size making them the "Carter Quarters" as they were called from jamming so many coin machines. Thank you for restoring Ike to the famous moon landing design REV! Overstriking the design that was on the coin seems a bit of historic numismatic Ike-justice LOL! These are beautiful in hand!